#510 Saving Millions on Logging

A look at a structured method for cost savings at Hubspot to save millions on the storage costs.

Saving Millions on Logging: Finding Relevant Savings

In this two-part blog series, we will look at a structured method we use for approaching cost savings work and demonstrating how we apply it at Hubspot to save millions on the storage costs of our application logs.

Zero to a Hundred Deploys: Checklist Edition (sponsor)

What makes a software team high performing? Is it the number of deployments per day? Maybe developer satisfaction? Or a low change failure rate? There is no single answer. Not only do you have to account for deployment practices, you also have to have the right metrics in place and the proper culture. If you're not sure of where to start, here is a checklist of milestones that can help you on your journey to becoming an high performing software team.

The 25 Percent Rule for Tackling Technical Debt

Let’s talk about technical debt. Let’s talk about practical usable approaches for actually paying it down on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Let’s talk about what debt needs to be fixed now versus what can wait for better planning.

Why Aren't Programming Language Specifications Comprehensive?

Language specifications are not comprehensive because we don't want them to be, can't make them be, or because they once weren't. At a sufficiently high level, these reasons are indistinguishable, but I find that separating them out really helps me understand what I'm dealing with at any given point.

Cache me if you can: A Look at Common Caching Strategies

Caching data is a useful pattern for any application that needs to serve high traffic and finds itself with latency requirements incompatible with the selected persistence choice.

Building a cross-platform runtime for AR

We're sharing Meta's experience building a large scale augmented reality (AR) runtime, and share the lessons we learned along the way.

The Authorization Game (sponsor)

I’m going to argue that access management is one of the most pressing issues facing developers today, and that the hodge podge of UIs and JIRA tickets that we’re using for it opens us up to serious vulnerabilities. At the risk of some major hubris, I will pattern my argument after The Imitation Game. This is the game from the seminal “Turing Test” paper where Alan Turing proposes a way to test for artificial intelligence.

Microservice Hell

The way I see it, most SaaS applications are deployed as microservices because it is easy to structure an organization into teams by micros (there are other compelling reasons too). Perhaps your organization has 6 or so development teams. Each team gets 1 micros. Responsibilities and division of labor is well-defined. Here’s a possible architecture.


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