#84 How to build animated microinteractions in React

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How to build animated microinteractions in React

Microinteractions guide a user through your application. They reinforce your user experience and provide delight.

Improving first time load of a Production React App (Part 1 of 2)

This is a story of how our load time went from 13+ seconds to less than 5 seconds (3G Singapore Server on Mobile) in a month. And to corroborate that, let me start with some screenshots.

Build an Imgur Client with React Native and MobX

Today, we’re building an Imgur app. A supreme fullscreen image browsing experience to make your 💩 even more fun.

React and Redux Sagas Authentication App Tutorial Part 2

This is a continuation of the React and Redux Sagas Authentication App Tutorial. In the previous section knocked out a great deal.

All the Conditional Renderings in React

Conditional rendering in React is no witchcraft. In JSX - the syntax extension used for React - you can use pure JavaScript. In JavaScript you should be familiar with if-else or switch case statements. You can use it in JSX as well, since JSX only mixes HTML and JavaScript.


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