#109 Real combat, ES6, React and Three r86


Explore the Powerful Features of the ExtReact Infinite Grid

A grid can be one of the most frustrating UI components to build in React. Try ExtReact for free today and see how easy it is to add the grid and many other data-driven components like D3 charts, graphs, calendar and more, into your applications

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Real combat, ES6, React and Three r86

I had an idea for a completely different (and basically totally unrelated) web application venture around the end of 2014 and had a very busy 2015 where I spent most of my (very little) free time working on that project. With that app gearing up for an alpha launch hopefully in the fourth quarter of this year, I came back to devoting more time to the engine and its first game in 2016. I've continued that same work this year when I have had the time.

Introduction to Preact — a smaller, faster React alternative

Preact is a JavaScript library that describes itself as a fast 3kB alternative to React with the same ES6 API. As a frequent user of React, I’d always wanted to try out Preact and see what it offers, and the differences between Preact and React. In this article, I’ll do an introduction to Preact, it’s key concepts and differences between Preact and React.

Mapping Tutorial: Combining Victory Charts and React-Simple-Maps

Creating a beautiful map of Switzerland’s language distribution by canton using donut charts on a map.

How to Lazy Load features using React and Webpack

In the modern web, every kilobyte matters. We don’t want to load our app’s whole component library when user enters our site. We need to load components on demand, and after initial load, cache them in the memory for further use.

Two Tips to Improve Performance by 30% With React and Webpack

We use React and Webpack to bundle and execute our JavaScript. We also utilize server side rendering to ensure the payload we deliver to the client is already populated with data. We also took advantage of ?react_perf to easily identify via flame graphs which components were performance bottlenecks. (Note: appending ?react_perf to your URLs only works in Chrome when NODE_ENV is not set to production.) Now that you understand the technologies we’re using, let’s dive into the two tips you can use to optimize your pages!


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