#138 Higher-Order Components: The Ultimate Guide


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this week's favorite

Higher-Order Components: The Ultimate Guide

This article is about higher-order components and it's written in a beginner-friendly way. Readers will learn not only how to enhance presentational components using one or several higher-order components, but they’ll also understand the principles behind this pattern.

A first look at Async React + Apollo

Like many members of the React community, the Apollo team eagerly woke up at 5:00 AM to catch Dan Abramov’s talk on the future of React at JSConf Iceland. With big mugs of coffee in hand, we glued ourselves to our laptops and watched as Dan explained how React async rendering would allow us to adapt our applications to our users’ many devices and networks.

A Walkthrough of *that* React Suspense Demo

The Async React demo at JSConf Iceland lived up to the hype: Time Slicing and React Suspense are on the way! (See the official blogpost, video, and HN discussion for more). Watching the video is a prerequisite for the rest of this article! Dev Twitter was buzzing with prominent devs working through the implications of Async React for everything from React-Loadable to React Router to Redux, and the always-on-the-ball Apollo Team even pushed out a demo app built with Async React and Apollo!

Handling large lists and tables in react

Imagine a common situation: you have a table with a lot of data, or a list with many items. If you already had this situation in react, you know there is a waiting period for the component to actually render on the screen, and then it renders all at once.

Why I Prefer Functional Components

One of the most common disagreements I see in React has to do with whether to use class or functional components. There are certainly merits to both approaches, but over the last few months, I’ve definitely come to favor one over the other. I’ve discovered that when I write pure functional components I tend to write cleaner code. I’ve also found I have a much easier time returning to that code, figuring out what I was doing, and making changes to the behavior of the system.


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