#174 The Ultimate VSCode Setup for JS/React

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The Ultimate VSCode Setup for JS/React

My The Ultimate Atom Editor Setup (+for JS/React) post is pretty popular, but not long ago I migrated to VSCode. Why? Speed, stability and TypeScript. Overall, I’m very happy with the switch. As with Atom, for me, out-of-the-box the editor has a lot of missing functionality. However, it is covered by extensions.

Event Sourcing in React, Redux & Elixir — how we write fast, scalable, real-time apps

Our front-end is built with React using Redux and Sagas; and talks to an Elixir back-end using Phoenix Channels — a WebSockets wrapper. What’s different about this compared to a normal React app is that all state changes in Redux are propagated to all connected clients, and whats more, we can replay any meeting to new members who join later, or rewind events and play them back to any point in time.

The how and why on React’s usage of linked list in Fiber to walk the component’s tree

In React, the mechanism of change detection is often referred to as reconciliation or rendering, and Fiber is its newest implementation. Due to the underlying architecture, it provides capabilities to implement many interesting features like performing non-blocking rendering, applying updates based on the priority and pre-rendering content in the background. These features are referred to as time-slicing in the Concurrent React philosophy.

JavaScript async patterns quick guide

From web applications to servers and mobile apps, from small programs to big projects, JavaScript is everywhere. It's the main choice to embrace any project because, well, it's 2018 and JS is an even more mature language, with an enormous community supporting it.

How we use Storybook for documentation and code reviews

Thinking in terms of components has made frontend development a lot easier to reason about and codebases much more maintainable compared to traditional architectures like MVC etc.


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