#188 Yeah hooks are good, but have you tried faster React Components?


Now free to use: Make front-end features faster, with Mason

With Mason, create browser-based user-interface software in minutes. Mason provides front-end software features as a service using React components and HTML5 custom elements. Mason features are given a unique identifier, which is deployed to your application codebase. At runtime, the Mason library fetches your feature configuration from our API and renders your implementation in your application.

this week's favorite

Yeah hooks are good, but have you tried faster React Components?

This article aims to point out some general performance issues in React applications with concrete examples and provide simple solutions to solve them. It includes changes related to the latest version of React (16.8.2) at this time, which comes in with support for Hooks.

Creating a File Upload Component with React

Creating a file upload component is a common task in web development. Unfortunately it can be quite intimidating.  In this tutorial you will learn how to create a working file upload component with react from scratch using no dependencies other than react itself.

Using Wordpress with React js

In this article, we will cover how to use WordPress as a headless CMS by leveraging the WordPress API and React js when building a project.

How to use Firebase Realtime Database in React

In this section, I want to introduce a new entity to demonstrate a business-related feature for a Firebase in React application, a message entity that lets you create a chat application.

Using DC.jS and crossfilter with React

If you are not familiar with DC.JS, it's a library that facilitates visual interaction with high dimensional data - you can click on one chart and all of the other charts change.


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