#215 Type-safe state modeling with TypeScript and React Hooks


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Type-safe state modeling with TypeScript and React Hooks

In this post I will illustrate some of the benefits to using typescript strict mode with React Hooks and hope that you will consider using it for your TypeScript+React projects. Seemingly trivial things such as avoiding the Any type and ensuring you always define a return type will allow the type system to catch your mistakes before they can become runtime errors.

Building React Components Using Children Props and Context API

A few examples of how to use React.Children and React.Context together to build easy-to-use interfaces with an approach "just wrap and it works".

Designing automated tests for React

Why write automated tests? Because we want to make sure our expectations hold true over time. Tests are maintenance: Long after your code is written, people will edit it. Tests are also documentation: They record your code’s expected usage and behavior. An ideal test only fails when behavior unintentionally changes.

Asynchronous cat fetching with Redux-Saga

In this article we’ll go over setting up a simple web app that will handle asynchronously fetching data from a public api using redux saga (we’ll use https://thecatapi.com/). By the end of this walk though you should have an understanding of how to handle asynchronous actions using redux-saga. We will build an app that fetches a random cat image.

Testing React functional component using hooks useEffect, useDispatch and useSelector

During mastering react hooks, I wrote a small open-source project that uses only hooks. And for completeness, also the hooks of the react-redux (useDispatch and useSelector) are used instead of the traditional connect, so it really keeps up with the latest trends. Everything was fine before my trying to write unit tests using the classic jest+enzyme set.


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