#226 React Adaptive Loading Hooks & Utilities


The Hands-on Guide to Learning React Hooks

This guide serves as an exhaustive resource on the built-in Hooks that are now part of React. Read all about them as we comprehensively cover: State and Effects, Context, Reducers, and Custom React Hooks. Start learning today.

this week's favorite

React Adaptive Loading Hooks & Utilities

Make it easier to target low-end devices while progressively adding high-end-only features on top. Using these hooks and utilities can help you give users a great experience best suited to their device and network constraints.

Making instagram.com faster: Code size and execution optimizations

In recent years instagram.com has seen a lot of changes — we’ve launched stories, filters, creation tools, notifications, and direct messaging as well as a myriad of other features and enhancements. However, as the product grew, a side effect was that our web performance began to slow.

How to test React-Redux hooks via Jest

I love the new hooks from redux-react. It simplify things a lot. Let’s see how to test it. TBH, the solutions can be applied to any react hooks.

React Interactive Paycard

Inspired from a vue project vue-interactive-paycard, I decided to recreate the same on React as a part time fun project. I did some minor changes on the animations and optimizations on the code. A fantastic credit card form with smooth and sweet micro-interactions. Includes number formatting, validation and automatic card type detection. Built with reactjs and also fully responsive.

Build your own React

We are going to rewrite React from scratch. Step by step. Following the architecture from the real React code but without all the optimizations and non-essential features.


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