#259 A deep dive into React Context API


Let’s Build a Financial Dashboard App With React in 3 Steps (Tutorial)

To build a financial app, you often need to solve the challenge of displaying a ton of data in a meaningful way that is also user-friendly. Check out this article to see how to approach building a simple financial dashboard from scratch.

this week's favorite

A deep dive into React Context API

It always begins with a single component. You could maybe define a class or functional component, but ultimately you must always be ready to render. You can have data in the form of local state(s), or functionality in form of, say, event handlers.

React’s useImperativeHandle made simple

In some cases, importing redux or using context is simply just overkill — This is where useImperativeHandle comes in. This will provide us a lightweight solution to have bidirectional flow.

A hooks library from Alibaba

ahooks contains a large set of essential react hooks, with demos and examples for each one of them.

Server Side Rendering React App with Deno

Two of my favourites things are React and dinosaurs. In this article I will show how I’ve put them together to develop a server side rendering React application with Deno.

How to Build a Weather App in React

A Tutorial on Creating A Simple Weather App in React And How To Use the fetch Method.


Learn MongoDB for free with Academy 3T. It's the FASTEST way to get started!

Starting with MongoDB 101, you’ll learn how to set up your first cloud-based MongoDB database, connect to your MongoDB Atlas cluster or local instance using Studio 3T, import collections from JSON and CSV files, write and run your first MongoDB queries, including aggregations, export query results to a JSON file, translate SQL queries to the MongoDB query language and use IntelliShell to load script files and run queries.


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