#263 React Highcharts Example with Cube.js


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React Highcharts Example with Cube.js

In this tutorial we are going to build a simple e-commerce dashboard with Cube.js and Highcharts. We’ll use the main Highcharts library, as well as Maps, Stock, and Solid Gauge modules.

Generating TypeScript types and React Hooks based on GraphQL endpoint

Autogenerate Typescript types and custom React hooks in React applications with GraphQL Code Generator.

How To Use Styled-Components In React

While the component-driven approach has ushered in a new frontier in the way we build web applications, it isn’t without its imperfections — one being its usability and scalability with CSS. This has given birth to a new way to construct and manage our styles in a component-specific manner, otherwise knows as CSS-in-JS.

Use create-react-app to develop Chrome extensions

create-react-app (CRA) is probably the most common way to build, develop, and deploy React apps. A couple of weeks ago, I was working on a chrome extension. I wanted to use CRA to do it, but CRA only supports SPA out of the box.

A Simple Guide to React Context with Hooks

It took me a while to get my head around using React Context with hooks, all the tutorials I read failed to explain it in a simple manner or seemed focused on class syntax. The class syntax is due to die soon so let me give it a try.


Learn the best practices to effectively test your react applications

Ever wondered how to test modals, Stripe, Redux, context, custom hooks? This free react testing masterclass is for you.


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