#266 A Guide to Commonly Used React Component Libraries


What React 17 Means for Developers

TJ VanToll unpacks three of the more important changes in React v.17.0 RC: gradual updates, changes to event delegation, and stack trace updates. What does “No New Features” mean for you? Tell us in the comments. But first, read the blog!

this week's favorite

A Guide to Commonly Used React Component Libraries

There are a *lot* of React Component libraries to choose from. This guide attempts to put them all on one page.

Mastering Props And PropTypes In React

Props and PropTypes are an important mechanism for passing information between React components, and we’re going to look into them in great detail here. This tutorial will introduce you to the details about props, passing and accessing props, and passing information to any component using props. However, it’s always a good practice to validate the data we are getting through props by using PropTypes. So, you will also learn how to integrate PropTypes in React.

Understanding React's useRef Hook

The marketing pitch for useState is that it allows you to add state to function components. This is true, but we can break it down even further. Fundamentally, the useState Hook gives you two things - a value that will persist across renders and an API to update that value and trigger a re-render.

Performance boosters for UI applications

Here in this post, we will try to understand how lazy loading and intersection observer can help to cut significant amount of loading time for our applications.

Client-Side Architecture Basics

Though the tools we use to build client-side web apps have changed substantially over the years, the fundamental principles behind designing robust software have remained relatively the same. In this guide, we go back to basics and discuss a better way to think about the front-end architecture using modern tools like React, Redux, xState, and Apollo Client.


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