#432 Use spreadsheets everywhere!

this week's favorite

Use spreadsheets everywhere!

Spreadsheets, they’re everywhere. Following closely behind email and word processor documents, spreadsheets are possibly the most ubiquitous tool for knowledge workers.

Visualizing a codebase

How can we “fingerprint” a codebase to see its structure at a glance? Let’s explore ways to automatically visualize a GitHub repo, and how that could be useful.

6 command line tools for productive programmers

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot more things at the command line. I’m not a hard-core terminal guy – I use VSCode more than Vim – but I’m always surprised at the number of complex tasks that can be done using just the POSIX standard command-line tools like grep, cat and sort.

Will deep understanding still be valuable?

In short: It looks to me like AI-assisted software development is just getting started, and will probably become a very big thing. And, it feels to me like yet another step toward shallow understanding in our field.

When you get right down to it, most security is based on honor system

Here’s a scene straight from television. Two characters are at a computer terminal when suddenly intrusion warnings flare up. “No way — I’m getting hacked! They’ve already burned through the NCIS public firewall.”


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