#470 Writing code is one thing, learning to be a software engineer is another

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Create a better interface for any business problem with Retool

You don't have to be a frontend expert to build beautiful apps. Retool provides a powerful platform to build your UI, connect your data, and publish your app 10x faster. Skip the boilerplate code with 90+ pre-built UI components, and write custom code nearly anywhere to customize how your apps look and work.

this week's favorite

Writing code is one thing, learning to be a software engineer is another

You learn to drive a car once you have passed your test and drive regularly. Being a skilful driver is more than being able to steer the car without crashing, knowing the theory. It’s being able to navigate all the situations and scenarios you will encounter on the road and dealing with all the crazy lunatics on the road.

Those HTML attributes you never use

In this article, Louis Lazaris describes and demonstrates some interesting HTML attributes that you may or may not have heard of and perhaps find useful enough to personally use in one of your projects.

1,000,000 concurrent connections

I hear the misconception that a server can only accept 65K connections or a server consumes a port for each accepted connection all the time.

Exploring architectural concepts building a card game

A real time card game involving more than one player represents a good playground to exercise some architectural concepts: flexibility in cloud deployment models, reactivity in the front end, testability of complex scenarios.

Major cryptography blunder in Java enables “psychic paper” forgeries

Organizations using newer versions of Oracle’s Java framework woke up on Wednesday to a disquieting advisory: A critical vulnerability can make it easy for adversaries to forge TLS certificates and signatures, two-factor authentication messages, and authorization credentials generated by a range of widely used open standards.


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